Page Updated: Saturday, July 27, 2024 1:47 AM ET

Haaretz - Top Stories

Road to Redemption

18 days ago

In Washington Jaunt, Netanyahu Glimpsed What Awaits Him After U.S. Election - In Washington Jaunt, Netanyahu Got a Glimpse of What Awaits Him After the U.S. Election

4 hours ago

Israeli police: Man who drove his car toward a group of officers was shot, seriously wounded

1 hour ago

Israeli team led by Mossad chief to travel to Rome next week for hostage, cease-fire talks

4 hours ago

RECAP: Netanyahu meets with Trump; IDF says it destroyed a tunnel in Beit Lahia

4 hours ago

Live Updates - | Israeli Jets Attack Hezbollah Targets in Southern Lebanon, IDF Says

3 hours ago

Meeting Netanyahu, Trump Says Harris' Remarks on Israel Were Disrespectful - Meeting Netanyahu in Florida, Trump Says Harris' Remarks on Israel Were Disrespectful

5 hours ago

'Any Delay Could Cost Us Our Lives' | Reality on the Ground in Gaza, in First Person

5 hours ago

What Happened to the Bedouins That Wanted to Convert to Judaism 100 Years Ago?

7 hours ago

Biden Has Let the Israel-sanctions Genie Out of the Bottle

3 days ago

The War Will End, but Gazans Will Continue to Die Months and Years Later

4 days ago

Cyber Nightmare: Hamas Has Detailed Intel on Thousands of Israeli Soldiers, Families

4 days ago

Navigating Between Jerusalem & Babylon: An End and a Beginning

1 day ago

Meet Israel's Olympic Medal Hopefuls Going for the Gold in Paris

1 day ago

Israeli Team Led by Mossad Chief to Travel to Rome Next Week for Hostage Talks - Israeli Team Led by Mossad Chief to Travel to Rome Next Week for Hostage, Cease-fire Talks

5 hours ago

'Gambling With Hostages' Lives' | Senior Negotiator Says Netanyahu Knowingly Creating Crisis in Cease-fire Talks - Senior Israeli Negotiator Says Netanyahu Knowingly Creating Crisis in Cease-fire Talks

4 hours ago

Palestinian Authority Fails to Arrest Top Islamic Jihad Official in West Bank

13 hours ago

White House Grants Deportation Reprieve to Lebanese, Citing Israel-Hezbollah Tensions

9 hours ago

U.K. Won't Pursue Int'l Criminal Court Challenge to Netanyahu Arrest Warrant

17 hours ago

Hostages In Gaza - 41 - of them declared dead

1 day ago

Names of Those Killed since Oct. 7

2 months ago

How the Hamas Attack Unfolded

2 months ago

How Haaretz is Counting the Dead

2 months ago

Atlantis Is Lost: How the IDF's Plan to Flood Hamas' Gaza Tunnels Failed - Atlantis Is Lost: How the Israeli Army's Plan to Flood Hamas' Gaza Tunnels Failed

1 day ago

Biden and Netanyahu's Speeches Showed the Starkest and Darkest of Contrasts

1 day ago

After Lengthy U.S. Visit, Netanyahu Returns to Problems He Can't, Won't Address - After Lengthy U.S. Visit, Netanyahu Will Return to the Problems He Can't and Won't Address

9 hours ago

Netanyahu's Eloquence, Divorced From Reality, Won't Gain Israel Support - Without a Gaza Endgame and Divorced From Reality, Netanyahu's Eloquence Won't Rally Support for Israel

1 day ago

Was There Anything Authentic About the Speech? Well, It Was authentically Netanyahu

1 day ago

Israelis Supporting Trump? 'Plain Idiocy. He Couldn't Care Less About the Middle East'

4 days ago

Amos Harel: 'Netanyahu Is Using the Trump Shooting to Vilify Israel's Protest movement'

11 days ago

'Some French Jews Believe Le Pen Will Protect Them'

22 days ago

Lords of the Land: Rising Settler Violence Against Palestinians in the West Bank

2 months ago

Letters to the Editor

5 months ago

Israel's Political Reality Was Removed From the Hall During Netanyahu's Congress Address

1 day ago

Netanyahu's Outdated, Profligate Plane Has to Go

11 hours ago

Israel's Perfect Illusion Prime Minister Only Exists on the TV Screen

1 day ago

Celebrating the Return of Israel's Beloved, Bloody Conception

1 day ago

More Arms, Less Advice: Netanyahu's Meddling Speech Damaged U.S.-Israel Relations

1 day ago

Israeli Army Cloud Targeted by Billions of Cyberattacks During War

14 days ago

The Scariest Lesson From Hezbollah's Footage Deep Inside Israel

15 days ago

U.S. Intelligence Accuses Iran of Mobilizing pro-Palestinian Protesters in America

15 days ago

Excavations Uncover Decorative Floor of Great Synagogue of Vilnius, Destroyed in Holocaust

1 day ago

Self-proclaimed Nazi Jailed for Two Years Over Death Threats to Anti-Defamation League

3 days ago

Torah-inspired Psychedelic Art? Leader of New Zealand Shul Is Anything but Conventional

3 days ago

Netanyahu Is Not Welcome in Washington

4 days ago

In Hebron, Young Palestinians Are Presumed Guilty Until Proven Innocent

6 hours ago

Israel at War, Day 294: Hamas Leader in West Bank Dies in Israeli Custody

12 hours ago

Israeli Jets Attack Hezbollah Targets in Southern Lebanon, IDF Says

3 hours ago

Israel at War, Day 293: Truce Talks Appear to Be in Closing Stages, U.S. Official Says

1 day ago

Hamas, Fatah Sign Palestinian 'Unity' Agreement in China, With No Practical Significance

3 days ago

Endless Blockade: Watch This Film to Understand Why Gazans Chose Hamas

9 days ago

How Popular Is Hamas, in Gaza and Outside of It, After Nine Months of War?

9 days ago

Explained: Who Are Yemen's Houthis, and Why Are They Attacking Israel?

4 days ago

Explained: What Is Israel's 'Submarine Affair' and Could It Sink Netanyahu?

1 month ago

Explained: What 'Shahid' or 'Martyr' Means for Palestinians and Israelis

1 month ago

New Research Reveals How Ancient Egyptians Built Their First Pyramid

2 days ago

Biden Has Caught Netanyahu in a Political Trap as He Lands in Washington

4 days ago

I Told Israelis About the Tragedy of One Gazan Woman. The Audience Was Shocked

10 days ago

With Israel's First Ever Attack in Yemen, the War Takes a Dangerous New Turn

5 days ago

'Zionist-free Zone': Israelis Are Increasingly Unwanted at Global Tourism Sites

10 days ago

The ICJ Just Demolished One of Israel's Key Defenses of the Occupation

6 days ago

What Has Anne Frank Got to Do With the Gaza War?

15 days ago

ICJ's Decision on the Occupation Goes Beyond Israel's Worst Fears

7 days ago

Dr. Ruth Still Has Plenty to Say About Your Sex Life

13 days ago

Jewish, Gay, anti-Zionist: The Assassination That Rocked Palestine

16 days ago

How Netanyahu Has Systematically Foiled Talks to Release Hostages From Hamas Captivity

16 days ago

In His Retirement Speech, Israel's Top Officer in the West Bank Revealed the Hidden Truth

17 days ago

A TikTok Trend Shows What Life Is Like for Displaced Gazans. All Israelis Should Watch

22 days ago

In '99, Ron Pundak Had a Grim Vision of Israel's Future. It Was Painfully Accurate

21 days ago

IDF Ordered Hannibal Directive on October 7 to Prevent Hamas Taking Soldiers Captive

19 days ago