Page Updated: Saturday, July 27, 2024 5:05 AM ET

The Globe and Mail - Opinion

LETTERS -- 'There is clearly a significant delusion at play here.' Letters to the editor for July 27

2 minutes ago

Great, Loblaw is paying for fixing bread prices – but why are prices still so high? -- D.T. Cochrane -- Yesterday

2 minutes ago

Britain is planning a housing revolution - Canada should take note -- John Rapley -- Yesterday

2 minutes ago

The accusations faced by WADA from the U.S. Anti-Doping Agency are baseless and harmful to athletes -- Richard Pound -- Yesterday

2 minutes ago

As France welcomes the world to the Paris Olympics, its citizens worry about the future -- Konrad Yakabuski -- Yesterday

2 minutes ago

Are we supposed to just sit and wait for Canada's inevitable constitutional crisis? -- Andrew Coyne -- Yesterday

2 minutes ago

LETTERS -- 'Government policies must encourage resilient food supply chains.' Letters to the editor for July 26 -- Yesterday

2 minutes ago

It's not just a vast forest burning – Jasper is one of the most beautiful spots on the planet -- Kelly Cryderman -- Yesterday

2 minutes ago

Can protesting the Giller Prize really help end the Gaza war? -- Marsha Lederman -- July 25, 2024

2 minutes ago

Facing high interest rates, small businesses are selling ownership stakes to get by -- Daryl Ching -- July 25, 2024

2 minutes ago

What is the world to do when the U.S. President has a set expiry date? -- Doug Saunders -- July 25, 2024

2 minutes ago

Netanyahu came to Congress with little to offer to Israelis or Americans -- R. David Harden -- July 25, 2024

2 minutes ago

Like it or not, industry disruptions and job losses will be the new reality -- Claude Lavoie -- July 25, 2024

2 minutes ago

LETTERS -- 'I would like to see defence funding geared to the real security threat of climate change.' Letters to the editor for July 25 -- July 25, 2024

2 minutes ago

The conversation we really need about aging doesn't involve U.S. presidential candidates -- André Picard -- July 24, 2024

1 day ago

For the sake of Canada's economic interests, it's vital we reset relations with China -- Jacob Cooke -- July 24, 2024

1 day ago

For many Gazans, China's unity deal between Palestinian factions is yet another disappointment -- Mahmoud Mushtaha -- July 24, 2024

1 day ago

A trip to George W. Bush's museum could make you pine for a normal kind of bad leader -- Marsha Lederman -- July 24, 2024

1 day ago

China's economic reforms won't work until there are political reforms -- Roger Garside -- July 24, 2024

1 day ago

Pierre Poilievre needs to do more than play offence on defence policy -- The Editorial Board -- July 24, 2024

22 hours ago

LETTERS -- 'The prosecutor against the convicted felon - what a contest!' Letters to the editor for July 24 -- July 24, 2024

1 day ago

The Liberal ship is adrift. If the captain will not change course, will the crew? -- Andrew Coyne -- July 23, 2024

2 days ago

Our fragile food supply chain was built for a world that no longer exists -- Evan Fraser -- July 23, 2024

2 days ago

Beware the artificial intelligence trap Big Tech is setting -- Neil Desai -- July 23, 2024

2 days ago

Toronto-area floods cost us more than $4-billion. When will we learn? -- Blair Feltmate -- July 23, 2024

2 days ago

The UCP government's children's-medicine headache returns in full force -- Kelly Cryderman -- July 23, 2024

2 days ago

Harris needs to differentiate herself from Biden -- Richard Haass -- July 23, 2024

2 days ago

Letters to the Editor

5 years ago

Back to the future: Canada's plan to buy 12 submarines is straight out of 1987 -- Luc-André Brunet

18 hours ago

When Liberal promises meet fiscal reality -- The Editorial Board

22 hours ago

France's ban on athletes in hijabs makes a mockery of the Olympic charter -- Sheema Khan

21 hours ago

Mélanie Joly's China visit is just the latest in a line of Canadian foreign-policy own-goals -- Lawrence Herman

15 hours ago

B.C.'s child welfare system keeps delivering the saddest stories you'll ever hear -- Gary Mason

23 hours ago

Jasper is grieving. But my community will survive the fire -- Megan Warren

15 hours ago

opinion - Editorial Cartoons for July, 2024 - Gallery

26 days ago

Closing the back door to our elections -- The Editorial Board

1 day ago

Mary Ellen Turpel-Lafond's identity should never have been decided in the court of public opinion -- Val Napoleon -- Merle Alexander

1 day ago

The bottom line: Bank of Canada should keep cutting interest rates -- Jeremy Kronick -- Steve Ambler

2 days ago