Page Updated: Monday, October 21, 2024 7:02 PM ET


Visitors can personalize their news content:
  • Set which categories appear on the homepage
  • Exclude specific news sources
  • Alter which feeds appear in the feed menu
  • Create new feeds based upon search queries
There are two methods visitors can save their settings:
  • COOKIE    A private cookie on the visitor's browser (default)
  • SESSION  Logged into the ZAQS members database

When active, the current settings method will appear as a label on the top menu of the website.

ZAQS Search
  • Searches only the headline titles, not the content of the articles
  • Converts/views all headlines and queries as lower-case, skips/restricts most non-alphanumeric characters
  • Terms should be space separated, with preceding the keyword + for include, - for exclude, and "" for exact quoting of keyphrases
  • Only returns first 1000 results found, not necessarily the newest, so refine large searches for better results